
Business done different master class(Business & Money)

Business & Money

If you have blood running in your veins, you're in palpable business of your life

Albert Einstein said, “Doing the same thing and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.”
How many of you have been doing the same thing and expecting something to change?

This class is not like any other business class you will attend. It’s different. It will empower you to know what you know about business, money and creation. What do you know?

The definition of different is “not the same as another or each other.”

What if you know more about business than what you have been willing to acknowledge? What if you never gave in and you never gave up and you were always creating?

The way you think about your business, and your life, will either create it or diminish it.

What would you like to create in business? Your life? Is now the time to choose greater each day? Imagine what you could choose if you knew you could not fail?

“You have an unlimited, and mostly un-accessed, capacity to
create a financial reality that would work for you.”

– SIMONE MILASAS, founder and author of JOY OF BUSINESS

” Bill Gates explains why his daughter can’t marry a poor man.

A few years ago there was a conference in the United States on investment and finance. One of the speakers was Bill Gates and during the question and answer session, he was asked a question that had everyone laughing.

If he, the richest man in the world, could accept that his daughter marry a poor or modest man.

His answer can change something in everyone.

Bill Gates – First of all, understand that
Wealth does not mean having a fat bank account. Wealth is primarily the ability to create wealth.
Example: Someone who wins the lottery or gambling. Even if he wins 100 millions is not a rich man: He is a poor man with a lot of money. That’s the reason why 90% of the lottery millionaires become poor again after 5 years.

You also have rich people who have no money.
Example: Most entrepreneurs.
THEY are already on the road to wealth even though they have no money, because they are developing their financial intelligence and that is wealth.

How are the rich and the poor different?

To put it simply: The rich may die to become rich, while the poor may kill to become rich.

If you see a young person who decides to train, to learn new things, who tries to improve himself constantly, know that he is a rich man.

If you see a young person who thinks that the problem is the state, and who thinks that the rich are all thieves and who criticizes constantly, know that he is a poor man.

The rich are convinced that they just need information and training to take off, the poor think that others must give them money to take off.

In conclusion, when I say that my daughter will not marry a poor man, I am not talking about money. I’m talking about the ability to create wealth in that man.

Excuse me for saying this, but most criminals are poor people. When they are in front of money, they lose their mind, that’s why they rob, steal etc… For them it is a grace because they don’t know how they could earn money by themselves.

One day, the guard of a bank found a bag full of money, he took the bag and went to give it to the bank manager.

People called this man an idiot, but in reality this man was just a rich man who had no money.

One year later, the bank offered him a job as a receptionist, 3 years later he was a customer manager and 10 years later he manages the regional management of this bank, he manages hundreds of employees and his annual bonus exceeds the amount he could have stolen.

Wealth is first of all a state of mind.

So … are u rich or poor? “

Stories of Change

Business done different Program with Aarshiya Seyth has been really rewarding. I have learned how to communicate clearly to reflect on my leadership skills. Aarshiya is a phenomenal listener and gave me fantastic tips to improve my performance. Aarshiya has that natural ability to make you recognize your own potential and help to guide you towards it. Therefore due to her help and advice I have grown more confident in my role being able to look at different approaches then focusing ontaking action.”


Had attended Arshiya’s Joy of Business 6 day book club.  Arshiya is so knowledgeable and insightful, the session gave me some amazing perception shifts which is already working for me now!:)

Daniel Dominic

Hopped on to the joy of business calls amidst going through so much chaos and confusion at work. From day 1, Aarshiya’s energy and clearings brought it so much ease and joy- I was amazed . Her awareness itself led to so much contribution that it actually facilitated certain decisions at work and made me choose greater . Just her willingness to be there was so inspiring. Thanks Aarshiya for being that gift that we keep talking about. You really walked the talk. Ever grateful . Look forward to connecting again.

Neera Maini Srivastav

My Life transforming journey that I would like to share with you all today.

Hello everyone, I’m Sunil Gandhi from Oman. I’m 44 years old currently, full of curiosity to what this mystical universe has to offer. I started my access consciousness journey with Aarshi 2 years ago with Access bars and foundation in May 2019.

In 2021, I wanted to experience the limitless, infinite possibilities this Universe had to offer. So I got inspired to do something different and vibrant this year.

Last year in 2020, I was introduced to Business Done Different course introduced by Aarshi, however at that point in time, I felt the course was too expensive.

In April 2021, I simply decided to take the jump and do the course BDD anyway.

Within months, I saw a shift and started opening up a complete new paradigm & a reality which allowed me to create generational wealth and beyond.

Financial Freedom is a gift of the universe which not many people choose to function from.

Having done the BDD course allowed me to function from this space which allowed me to break all my barriers and limitations about creating unimaginable wealth.

In early June 2021 with an initial investment of $7500, I find myself investing in crypto.

One thing BDD taught me was when you are willing to receive money, you have to be willing to receive it from whatever ways and means that feels lighter for us. Crypto came in with Lightness to me. So many people discouraged me & told me about risks of investing in Crypto. I had to face family & friends that tried hard to walk me out of this imaginary crypto bullshit. I kept calm and followed my instincts.

In December 2021, I was able to churn that investment into a whopping $250,000. Unprecedented !! You would all say. “It’s not possible” said one of my cousins.

It had to be magical.

In my current reality, my current business does not allow me to create millions of dollars.

However, Business Done different helped me to break all those barriers and allowed me to look beyond what I currently had.

A year back wanting to make a $1 Million for me was difficult. The idiot in me would tell me to work hard, save money, don’t spend on unnecessary things. Imagine all of that melting away like magic.

After the BDD course, If I said I was aiming for $500 Million by 2025, it would sound unrealistic. Well, for average people, YES. but not for the universe.

Once you have no barriers, adding more zeros to the numbers is going to be easy.

Aarshi till date has been instrumental in bringing this shift in my universe and she’s been a great contribution. Thank you.

Business Done different is not for ordinary people who want to create average lives.

It is for the extra ordinary people who want to experience abundance, happiness & joy.

I’m grateful to Aarshi for bringing this knowledge and being a part of my journey.

Sunnil Gandhi

I did this most awesome programme – Business Done Differently – with Arshiya Seyth and what added tremendous value was her facilitation of the programme! She has this amazing energy that enables you to get the most of Access Consciousness! Having done Money Synergy programme with her earlier in September 2021, I had made the decision almost immediately that I was going to do BDD with her! Before I go ahead, huge gratitude to my niece Anupama Krishnan who was the inspiration behind my joining Money Synergy! She was well aware that I had been working on my life/work plan for the next decade and I was sharing with her that after almost half a century of very fulfilling work, I found myself struggling to take forward my future plans and felt very limited.
Sooner than later, I found myself in a WhatsApp group where Arshiya was sharing about the Money Synergy programme and said she is offering no guarantees of results! The next thing I knew, I had paid and joined the programme with the specific proviso that I will not be able to do sessions between 3 and 5 pm! I now understand fully what Arshiya meant when she said she will flow with the energy as I found that the sessions had been scheduled exactly in that time window! My first magical moment was when I found that when I made the choice to participate in the sessions, my scheduled work meetings during this time were unbelievably postponing or cancelling themselves! I realised the power of choosing! A long standing relationship issue was resolved, money long written off, appeared, and new project opportunities emerged from nowhere!
So, there are no surprises that I, just like that, decided to join the Business Done Differently programme facilitated by Arshiya! I had chosen to create the magic in the business of my life and who better than her to facilitate taking that to the next level! It was a life transforming experience and I have cleared limitations that I did not know existed in me and had a magical experience every day of the programme that I am now so busy enjoying the outcomes of the actions I learnt to choose to take. Access facilitated me to realise the power of choosing, unlimiting and expanding myself, and manifesting.
I am creating magic every day, manifesting work, money, time with ease and joy, even as I continue to revel in the large circle of my family and so many more! The lightness is amazing! Time and hours are expanding…. I am expanding them!
Arshiya Seyth is an extremely involved and intuitive facilitator, whose amazing grace and energy is infectious but what is most fascinating is how she facilitates you to spontaneously recognise and make the shifts for yourself and realise your potential in every fibre of your body. I would strongly recommend doing these programmes with Arshiya Seth.
To conclude, I wish I had done this, thirty years ago: access consciousness. It is an amazing process that each and every one needs to experience, to choose, shift and manifest. Thank you, Access, thank you Arshiya! I have a lot to celebrate and look forward to!

Geetha Balasubramanyim

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EMI/Card payment


For Overseas Participants

EMI / Card payment

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1,05,000 ₹

Disclaimer:(Business & Money)
All the information on this website may not be construed as an instruction or a medical advice. Moreover, all the content and images are for general purpose only. No action should be taken depending solely upon the contents of this information instead all the readers are requested to have a prior consultation on any matter relating to health and well-being with the concerned professionals. The information expressed here is meant to be true and does not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. I assume no responsibility for the accuracy of information. I acknowledge the differences in views and welcome its exchanges too.

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