
Money Synergy Programme

Money Synergy


 Unlock the Power of Financial Synergy:

Multiply Your Joy, Multiply Your Money, Multiply Your Success!

Money is a topic that can cause a lot of stress and anxiety for many people. Whether it’s worrying about paying the bills or feeling like you’ll never have enough to achieve your dreams, money can be a major source of emotional turmoil. That’s why the Program Money Synegy by Aarshiya Seyth offers a fresh perspective on how we can change our relationship with money and create a more abundant life.
The Money Synergy program teaches that our thoughts, beliefs, the corresponding emotions and attitudes about money are what hold us back from creating the financial abundance we desire. It suggests that we can change our relationship with money by changing our thoughts and beliefs that leads to change in subsequent emotions about money. The facilitator offer practical tools and exercises to help participants identify and shift the limiting beliefs and attitudes that may be blocking their money flows & abundance.
One of the key concepts in the program is the idea of “Generative Asking and Spherical Receiving”. The facilitator suggest that when we ask for what we truely desire in alignent with our authentic self the universe showers us with what would expand our life. However, many of us are conditioned to believe that we don’t deserve  or that we have to work hard to earn it. This mindset can create a self-fulfilling prophecy where we don’t receive what we desire because we don’t believe we can.
To overcome these limiting beliefs, the program suggest a variety of techniques including expansion excersises, how to be a generative asking, body plays/ homeplays, gratitude journal & 11 days of deep diving calls with personal facilitation. These tools can help us reprogram our subconscious of Neurorigidity to Neuroplasticity in regards with money so that we can attract more abundance into our lives. The facilitator also navigate participants to look at their relationship with money from consciousness perspective in order to align with the energy of a prosperity consciousness that surrounds us all but often not recieved.
The Money Synergy program is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to create more financial freedom & abundance in their life. It offers practical tools and techniques  that can help shift our mindset and beliefs about money so that we can Embrace money rather than Chase it.
By changing our relationship with ourselves as a source of creation  we become the magnetic invitation and money follows as an invitation to  a more abundant and fulfilling life.

       Journey of change starts with the first step called  "CHOICE"

Stories of Change

Money Synergy 21 day program (Vol. 3, 4 & 5)

Modes of payment

Credit ,Debit cards & EMI

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