
The infusion of consciousness that is suffusion of JOY in Business & Living.

The infusion of consciousness that is suffusion of JOY in Business & Living.

What is your greatest business…?

Is it not your life itself your biggest, greatest. grandest business ever..?

And so what you do with it & make out of it is something to ponder on.

A whole lot out there invest most of their life having a chase & run with business & money rather than have ease & fun with it.

FUN & EASE in business isn’t something we have been equipped with, NEVER TAUGHT to most.

And so the chase goes on as an automated response to triggered money-business programmes running from lifetimes.

You may have heard/ read in many places

“Investing self in making money later leads to using the same money to restoring self ”.

An integral lesson, may not come the easy way.

But YES! one gets it when one gets to it.

We live a zillion such auto run programs and BUSINESS & MONEY is one of them.

The deep rooted limiting beliefs, one may have heard/read articles on have the keypoint unaddressed, that is, how has one dealt with those learnt self-limiting auto-runs.

Those sneaky, at large the hiding one’s (money limiting beliefs) are kept in the safe vaults of mind with access denied to self, lest, it may lead to something beyond imagined or untoward.

Untoward, a mechanism of defense to keep things under CONTROL is the trusted alibi to keep the mere survival, to remain alive.

Amidst all the struggle with self realisation in bits & denials in most parts,

the struggle and unease in the money/business area intensifies even more.

With the anticipation of break through right there as expected by the managements of mind, the CONTROL bit tightens up all the more.

After all you’re attempting to break your own safe vault so the contract & release with control tends to get even more edgy.

AAAHHHHH. breathe, scream, let go, release, sigh.

YEH, breathe the awareness into those sticky areas of money, business & life itself. Breathe into the doubt, the fear, the anxiety, the panic of loss coming up, look into its eye.

What if money was as easy coming in as your next breathe, POSSIBLE….?

BUT again do you doubt the one(INHALE)coming after it & the one after that and then do you ever stop or think to yourself before you release one (EXHALE).

And NOW also look into HOW MUCH DO YOU CONTROL YOUR INCOMING /OUTGOING BREATHE AS WELL, unconsciously, being unaware as its on an auto-run.

Observe a newborn who organically breathes right innately gifted with the art of breathing right & light.

We all were born with the gift, and then we deployed ourselves into LEARNING TO BREATHE RIGHT(breathe work, pranayam etc).

What brought about forgetting to breathe right…?

How much unconsciousness one chose to have & BE while living, that gave up breathing light.

CONSCIOUSNESS in your CHOICES serves as a key to CREATION of thrival in Business, Body, Money/Finances, Living.

The evolutionary business of unconscious to conscious living.

Allow the learning from the arena of greater knowing of self that works for you in your life & reiterating that no one knows better about YOU than you, yourself.

You shall save yourself from the grind of UNLEARNING THE LEARNT & RE-LEARN as you grow.

This innate KNOWING isn’t depending on the environment you breathe in.

It’s what you’re GIFTED with before you chose to be on the planet but remains unused, untapped un-breathed in the face of all the mundane irrelevance of everyday living.

All that comes as a teaching while you’re here & till the time you’re, needs to be visited from your clear lens of relevance & greater knowing of weather its needed at all, else not.

Nothing supersedes your knowledge about self and yes, you may want to learn, how to peel off all the obscure tints & lenses that keeps one from having a clearer view of self for self.




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